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Watch, read & Listen

Curated Watch, Read, & Listen Picks for 2023

Finding time for ourselves in the midst of the beautiful chaos called motherhood is like finding a matching pair of socks on laundry day – rare but oh-so-satisfying! That’s why I’ve put together this fabulous list of what to watch, read, and listen to in 2023. Think of it as your go-to guide for those precious moments of ‘me-time’. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s dive in!

1. Must-Watch TV Shows & Movies

For the Laughter & Tears:

“Mom’s Night Out” (TV Series): Imagine a show that gets right into the nittygritty of motherhood, with a side of belly laughs. This series is a mix of humor, heart, and just enough chaos to be relatable. It’s perfect for those nights when you need a reminder that you’re not alone in this wild ride.
“The Comeback Queen” (Movie): This film is about a mom who rediscovers her
passion after the kids leave the nest. It’s inspiring, heartwarming, and a gentle nudge to remember your dreams don’t have an expiration date.

Family-Friendly Gems:

“The Great Family Bake-Off” (TV Show): A delightful show that you can watch with the kiddos. It’s all about families competing in baking challenges. It’s fun, light-hearted, and might just inspire your next family baking adventure!

2. Books to Get Lost In

Parenting with a Pinch of Humor:

“Confessions of a Scary Mommy” by Jill Smokler: This book is a gem. It’s a collection of honest, hilarious, and sometimes raw stories of motherhood. It’s like
sitting down with a friend who tells it like it is, with a laugh.

Fictional Escapes:

“The Time Traveler’s Wife” by Audrey Niffenegger: If you haven’t read this yet, now’s the time. It’s a magical blend of romance, science fiction, and drama – perfect for escaping the daily grind.

Empowering Reads:

“Becoming” by Michelle Obama: This isn’t just a memoir; it’s a journey of selfdiscovery, resilience, and grace. It’s a reminder that as moms, we’re constantly
evolving and growing.

3. Podcasts & Music to Tune Into

Podcasts That Speak to Your Soul:

“The Modern Mommy” Podcast: This podcast covers everything from parenting
hacks to managing your mental health. It’s like having a coffee chat with your
best mom friend.
“Laughing All the Way” Podcast: Need a good laugh? This podcast is all about
the lighter side of parenting. It’s relatable, funny, and just what you need after a
long day.

Music to Lift You Up:

“Mom’s Chill Playlist” on Spotify: This playlist is a mix of soothing tunes and
uplifting songs. It’s perfect for those moments when you need to unwind or just
need a little pick-me-up.
“Dance Like Nobody’s Watching” Playlist: For those days when you need to
let loose, this playlist is full of energetic, dance-worthy tracks. It’s a mini dance
party waiting to happen!

So there you have it, my fellow moms – a curated list of what to watch, read, and listen to in 2023. Remember, taking time for yourself isn’t just okay; it’s necessary. These picks are more than just entertainment; they’re a gateway to relaxation, inspiration, and maybe even a little self-discovery.

Here’s to making our ‘me-time’ count this year! Let’s laugh, cry, and grow together through these shared experiences. After all, we’re not just moms; we’re women with an endless capacity for joy, resilience, and love. Happy watching, reading, and listening!